Ustadh Suleyman Ahmed

Institute of Islamic Education, Illinois

Ustadh Suleyman Ahmed was born in Hyderabad, India. His family moved to The United States and settled in New York City while he was very young. While there, he attended a private elementary school and received many awards in his favorite subject: science. He then dedicated himself to completing Hifz studies. Ustadh Suleyman’s parents had always dreamt of him becoming a Hafiz. By the grace of Allah (ﷻ), he became a Hafiz at a young age.

After finishing middle school, he attended a private high school in Brooklyn, New York, achieving excellent grades. During that time, he also began ālim studies. After studying for two years in New York and Chicago, he found his way to AlHussnain Seminary in Indianapolis. He was a member of the first graduating class in 2017. Ustadh Suleyman studied under the personal supervision of the esteemed and revered Sheikh Ramzi Al-Habib and Mufti Ahmed Ali from Pakistan as well as Shaykh Ayyub Hansbai, Maulana Sulaiman Sadiq, Maulana MD. Sarwar Hossain, Maulana Muhammad Imran, and Maulana Nomair Chugtai.
For his final year, he attended the Institute of Islamic Education (IIE) in Elgin, Illinois. He studied under the highly esteemed scholar and one of the few remaining students of Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madani: Maulana Abdullah Saleem. Along with him, Ustadh Suleyman was blessed with the guidance of many well-regarded scholars, such as the world-renowned scholar Mufti Yasir Nadeem. He also studied advanced aqīdah (creed) under Sheikh Amin Kholwadia.

Suleyman graduated in May 2018 from IIE and returned to AlHussnain Seminary the following August as a teacher by the recommendation of his teachers. He currently teaches, but is not limited to, the following subjects: Arabic syntax(nahw), Rhetoric (balāgah), literature, prose, and poetry (among other subjects).