Ustadh Muhammad Imran

Ustadh Muhammad Imran

Ustadh Muhammad Imran was born and raised in Lahore, Pakistan. He completed high school in 1999. He made the decision to take part in a 40 day Jamaat after having heard the motivational words of Shaykh Tariq Jamil at the Raiwind ijtimah of 1999. During his time in Jamaat, he was inspired to begin committing the Qur’an to memory.

Maulana Imran completed his memorization of the Qur’an in 2002 from Jami’ah al-Ashrafiya. He then wished to further pursue the Islamic Sciences and this brought him to Jamia Hasnain Faisalabad, Pakistan the institute of Shaykh Tariq Jamil. He was one of the first students to study at the institute since it was incepted in 1999. He studied the Islamic sciences at the hands of renowned scholars such as Shaykh Tariq Jamil, Shaykh Ramzi al-Habib al-Tunisi, Shaykh Ubaidullah and Mufti Ahmed Ali just to name a few.

After graduation from Jamia Hassanain, he spent one year in Jamaat and then began his teaching career at Jami’ah Mahd-ul-Hasan in Lahore. While teaching, he worked on his Bachelors in Arts at Punjab University in Lahore, which he completed in 2012. He also attained his Masters in Islamic studies from Punjab University in 2014. Shortly thereafter, in spring of 2016, he relocated to Indianapolis, Indiana and started teaching at Madrasah Tul Hussnain. He teaches subjects that include but are not limited to: Arabic Syntax, Arabic Literature, Arabic Conversion, Seerah (Prophetic History) and jurisprudence.