Academic Departments
Welcome to our Academic Department, where the pursuit of knowledge is guided by a comprehensive and structured curriculum. At the heart of our linguistic studies is the discipline of As-Sarf (Arabic Morphology), delving into the intricacies of word forms and structures. Morphology serves as the foundational cornerstone for a profound understanding of the Arabic language.
In the realm of language construction, we focus on An-Nahw (Arabic Grammar), meticulously exploring the rules and structures that govern the eloquence of Arabic expression. Alongside this, our academic offerings include Al-Balagha (Arabic Rhetoric), delving into the art of persuasive and impactful communication, essential for mastering the beauty of the Arabic language.
For those drawn to the richness of Arabic literature, our department offers Al-Adab (Arabic Literature), where students immerse themselves in the vast world of literary works, honing their appreciation for the written word. Complementing this, Al-Muhadasah (Arabic Speech) provides a platform for the art of eloquent speech, refining the skills needed for effective communication.
Deepening our connection with the Quran, our department offers specialized courses such as At-Tafseer (Quranic Exegesis), unraveling the profound meanings embedded in the verses, and Al-Aqeedah (Creed), delving into the essential beliefs that form the foundation of Islamic faith.

Turning our attention to the Prophetic traditions, Al-Hadees (Prophetic Narrations) explores the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), providing insights into the principles guiding Islamic conduct. The academic journey also extends to Al-Fiqh (Jurisprudence), where students engage with the principles of Islamic law, and Usul-ulFiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence), offering a deeper understanding of the foundations that underpin legal reasoning.
In the arena of Islamic scholarship, our department includes Usul-ulHadees (Principles of Hadees), facilitating a scholarly exploration of the methodology behind understanding and interpreting Prophetic traditions. The academic pursuit in our department culminates in a holistic approach, blending linguistic excellence, literary appreciation, and a deep understanding of Islamic teachings. Welcome to a transformative journey within our College Studies, where knowledge is not just acquired but embraced as a means to enrich lives and illuminate minds.
Extra Curricular Programs
Developing skills of our students by
Young Muslim Voices
Young Muslim Voices
Future leaders and scholars are trained to deliver authentic Islamic knowledge via programs, khutbas & seminars.
Students are provided with resources to conduct research in various fields.
After-school Sports
After-school Sports
We develope for our hard working students such a schedule that Sports such as Basketball, Football, Soccer, Swimming & Regular Exercise, become part of their daily routine to keep themselves physically and mentally fit.
Our Muslim Youth is gifted with skills, here at Alhussnain Seminary their skills are further polished and developed, from teaching, mentoring, leadership and much more.
After-school Sports
After-school Sports
We developed for our hard working students such a schedule that Sports such as Basketball, Football, Soccer, Swimming & Regular Exercise, become part of their daily routine to keep themselves physically and mentally fit.
Training the future leaders with seminars through out their course of study.